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How to Notify the Court of Your Change of Address

Last Updated: October 23, 2024

Category:California Small Claims Forms


If you have filed a case or been sued in a California Small Claims Court and your address has changed, you must notify the court of your address change. Otherwise, you may be missing important notices. Here is how you can prepare, serve, and file your Notice of Change of Address.

Step 1: Prepare the "Notice of Change of Address" (Form MC-040).
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Step 2: Print Copies
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Step 3: Mail a Copy to Each Party (aka Serve by Mail)
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  • Server. Find someone over 18 and not a party to the case. We will call them the "server."

  • Server Mails. The server will take the completed Notice of Change of Address and mail it to each party.

  • Server Fills out Page 2. Have the server fill out page 2 of Notice of Change of Address on the copy for the court. Now you should have a completed page 1 and page 2 of the Notice of Change of Address.

  • Make a copy of the completed Notice of Change of Address (both page 1 and 2). You will need to have 2 copies when you file.

Step 4: File
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  • There are 4 different ways to file documents in California Small Claims Court: (1) In-Person (2) By Mail (3) Online (only available in some courts) (4) by Fax (only available in some courts).

  • File in person. Take 2 copies of the completed Notice of Change of Address and bring a self-addressed stamped envelope (with a stamp). If the court files the document right away, you won't need the self-address stamped envelope. If the court doesn't file it right away (if you left it at a dropbox), then the court will send you a filed copy using the self-addressed stamped envelope.

  • File by mail. Mail 2 copies of the completed Notice of Change of Address and include a self-addressed stamped envelope (with a stamp). The court will use that self-addressed stamped envelope and send you a filed copy of the Notice of Change of Address.

  • Keep a copy of the filed Notice of Change of Address for your records.

Further learning: How to Win in California Small Claims Court

Don't Lose This Guide
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Attorney at JusticeDirect. Camila holds a law degree and is a certified mediator. Her passion is breaking down complicated legal processes so that people without an attorney can get justice.