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How JusticeDirect Law Works

JusticeDirect - December 19, 2024

Explore our demand letter and small claims services.

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JusticeDirect Law is your trusted law firm partner for small claims court and demand letters.

Explore Our Services
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Demand Letter Tool

Attorney Demand Letter

Small Claims Lawsuit

Hearing Presentation Tool

Settlement Offer Letter Tool

Demand Letter Tool
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Create Demand Letter ➜

This is not an attorney service. Available for all 50 states. Review our pricing.

Our demand letter tool helps you write a formal demand letter. Learn more.

Our tool is free for your first letter, including downloading the final letter.

We charge if you need us to mail the letter to the other party.

Attorney Demand Letters
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Request Attorney Demand Letter ➜

This is an attorney service. Available in Arizona, New York, and Washington D.C. Review our pricing.

Need a demand letter written and sent on attorney letterhead? This is the service for you.

Small Claims Assistance
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Sue in small claims court ➜

This is an attorney service. Review our pricing. Available in California and New York.

Dedicated Attorney

You will always have a dedicated, state-licensed attorney overseeing your case. You can ask unlimited questions about court procedures and up to three questions about the merits of your case in writing.

Two main types of questions arise in a legal case: those related to the merits of the case and those related to civil procedure and process.

  1. Merits of the case: These are the main issues of the case — the facts and arguments that decide whether you should win or lose. For example, in a security deposit case, the merits involve questions like: What is the law around security deposits? or Should my landlord have returned my security deposit? The merits focus on the "substance" of the case, the reasons why someone believes they should win.

  2. Civil procedure and process refer to the rules and steps that must be followed during the case, no matter what the actual issues are. It's like the "road map" for how the case will move through the court system. These questions might include things like: Did I follow the proper steps to notify (serve) the other party of the lawsuit? Civil procedure ensures that the case is handled fairly and in an orderly way.

So, while the merits are about the what of your case — the facts and arguments — the civil procedure is about the how — how the case is handled, presented, and processed in the legal system.

Prepare Your Lawsuit

Once you've completed our intake and uploaded all your evidence, we'll prepare your lawsuit documents. We'll then send them to you for review and, once you give us the green light, send them to you for signing.

File Your Lawsuit

We pride ourselves on knowing how to navigate different court filing processes.

  • If your court has electronic filing, we will file the lawsuit for you.

  • If your court doesn't have electronic filing (or has a faulty system for electronic filing), we'll send you a comprehensive packet that contains everything you need to file the lawsuit by mail, so you won't have to worry about printing, visiting the post office, or heading to the court in person to file the lawsuit.

  • We will ensure the court files your lawsuit and keep you updated on the status.

Serve Your Lawsuit

  • After your lawsuit is filed, the next step is to let the other party know that they have been sued. This is called serving.

  • Serving options vary by county and price. During our intake, you will be able to review the options available where your lawsuit will be filed.

Here are some of the serving options:

  • Court Clerk— In some states, the court clerk can serve your lawsuit by mail.

  • Sheriff— For counties with a sheriff serving, we will help you get your lawsuit served by completing the necessary paperwork.

  • Process Server—If you select to have a process server serve the lawsuit, we will manage the process for you and coordinate directly with the process server.

  • Friend— For counties that allow you to have a friend serve the lawsuit, we'll ship your friend everything they need to serve your lawsuit.

Help You Win by Preparing You for the Hearing

As part of our process, we will help you build a judge-friendly presentation for your small claims hearing.

You upload all your evidence, like photos, receipts, and contracts (we have evidence checklists for different types of cases like security deposits, unpaid invoices, and car accidents), and our software will help you create your hearing presentation with a table of contents, page numbers, titles, and descriptions.

You can download and print your hearing presentation before your hearing or we can also print and mail it to you).

You will also have access to all our hearing preparation content, including how to prepare for the hearing and what to say at the hearing.

We Keep You Updated Each Step of the Way

  • You will receive reminders of the next steps and updates so you never miss a deadline.

  • You will have access to our team of customer success managers at each step.

Hearing Presentation Tool
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Create Hearing Presentation ➜

This is not an attorney service. Available for all 50 states. Review our pricing.

Our hearing presentation tool helps you build a judge-friendly hearing presentation for your small claims hearing. It will help you organize your evidence, create a timeline, and write an opening statement.

Learn more about our hearing presentation tool.

Settlement Offer Letter Tool
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Create Settlement Offer Letter ➜

This is not an attorney service. Available for all 50 states. Review our pricing.

If you sued, you can write a letter to the party that sued you to try to reach an agreement before your hearing and close your case.

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You can find our pricing here.

Don't Lose This Guide
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Attorney at JusticeDirect. Camila holds a law degree and is a certified mediator. Her passion is breaking down complicated legal processes so that people without an attorney can get justice.