We help you with your California small claims court lawsuit.
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While California has tried to simplify the forms used in Small Claims Court, selecting all the correct forms for your case can be difficult. In this article, we have compiled a list of some frequently used forms in California Small Claims Court.
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Forms to Start the Lawsuit
I am the one suing:
Plaintiff’s Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court (SC-100)
This form starts the California Small Claims Court lawsuit process.
It is also known as the "complaint" or "claim."
This is the first document you need to file if you are suing someone.
Once you complete this form, you are ready to file your small claims lawsuit.
Proof of Service (Small Claims) (SC-104)
Once the defendant has been served with the Plaintiff’s Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court (SC-100), you will need to file proof that the Defendant has been served. This form is called "Proof of Service."
I have been sued:
Defendant's Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court (SC-120)
Someone sued you, now what?
You can sue someone who has sued you in the same case. This is called a countersuit.
Proof of Service (Small Claims) (SC-104)
Once you have served the person who sued you with Defendant’s Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court (SC-120), then you need to file proof that you served the person who sued you. This form is called "Proof of Service."
Forms After the Lawsuit is Filed
Change Trial Date.
Use this form if you need to change your small claims court trial date.
Once you file this form with the Small Claims Court, you need to serve the other party.
You can serve the Request to Postpone Trial (SC-150) in person or by mail (by mail is easier and cheaper).
Then file Proof of Service” (SC-104) if served in person or Proof of Service by Mail (SC-112A) if served by mail.
Go to court on behalf of a business or individual.
If the lawsuit is filed on behalf of a business, this form needs to be filed.
Get witnesses subpoenaed for trial.
Use this form when you need the court's help in ordering someone to go to court for your small claims hearing.
Get documents subpoenaed for trial.
Use this form when you need the court's help in ordering someone to provide documents.
End the lawsuit.
No longer want to sue? Ask the Court to Dismiss Your Case.
For a full list of the forms, check out the California Courts website. There also may be a court specific form for your local court. Check your local small claims court website to learn more.
Summary of the main forms for California small claims lawsuits: 
SC-100 Plaintiff's Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court
SC-120 Defendant's Claim and Order to Go to Small Claims Court
Did you know that JusticeDirect can help you navigate California small claims? Learn more about our attorney services.

Camila Lopez, Esq.
Attorney at JusticeDirect. Camila holds a law degree and is a certified mediator. Her passion is breaking down complicated legal processes so that people without an attorney can get justice.