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Find a Registered Agent for Service of Process | California

Carolina Barbalace - Preparing for Small Claims Court - September 5, 2024

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Unsure of how to find a registered agent for service of process in California? We’ve got you covered.

What is a registered agent?
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A registered agent is a person or business appointed by a corporation or LLC to receive service of process on their behalf. Service of process notifies a party of a lawsuit or other legal proceeding. A registered agent will be the service target when you file a lawsuit. Additionally, they receive the court papers that you need to send to the company you are suing. Finally, the agent ensures that the business owner is aware that a lawsuit has been filed against them.

If the defendant you are suing is a corporation, limited liability company, or public entity, you will need to indicate the person or agent authorized for service of process when filling out your SC-100 (Plaintiff’s Claim and Order to Go To Small Claims Court).

How do I find a registered agent for service of process in California?
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California requires designated agents for service of process for the following business types:

  • All corporations

  • limited liability companies

  • limited partnerships

  • limited liability partnerships

The business type determines how to find the agent.

Tip: Not sure of the Business Type? Learn how to Identifying a business’s type.

Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships
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If the business you are suing is one of these business types, you can look up the company in bizfile Online by California Secretary of State. Entering the name of the business will pull up its records. As part of the search results, you will see information about the company including the designated agent for service of process.

Limited Liability Partnerships, General Partnerships, Associations, other entity types
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If the business you are suing is one of these business types, an online search will not provide the information. You must fill out and file the Business Entities Records – Order Form to receive information about the business along with the agent information request.

Need Help?
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JusticeDirect guides you step-by-step through the process of filing and serving a Small Claims case in California (for free).

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Legal Educator at JusticeDirect. Carolina has a passion for breaking down complicated legal processes.

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