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Alameda Small Claims Virtual Hearings

Last Updated: October 23, 2024

Category:California Small Claims


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What better way to prepare for a small claims court hearing than hearing one live! Some courts are currently live streaming their small claims court hearings. While you will notice some variance between different courts, generally, they are very similar!

In this article, learn about:

  • Legal Terms to Know While Watching the Small Claims Hearings

  • Hayward Hall of Justice - List of hearing days and times

  • Wiley W. Manuel Courthouse - List of hearing days and times

  • Fun fact, lawyers are not allowed at the initial small claims hearing! This is to even the playing field so that each party has an equal chance of obtaining justice.  

Legal Terms to Know While Watching the Small Claims Hearings

  • Plaintiff: The person who is suing.

  • Defendant: The person being sued.

  • Parties: Both the plaintiff and the defendant. 

  • Pro Term Judge: Volunteer attorney participating as a temporary Judge. 

  • Proof of Service: Verification that the defendant has been served.

  • Service of Process: The process of notifying the defendant that a lawsuit has been filed against them.

For more legal terms visit our Guide to Legal Jargon.

Hayward Hall of Justice
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List of hearing days and times:

  • Mondays at 9:00 am PT

  • Tuesdays at 1:30 pm PT

  • Wednesdays at 9:00 am and 1:30 pm PT

  • Thursdays at 1:30 pm PT

  • Fridays at 9:00 am and 1:30 pm PT (afternoon sessions are every other Friday)

When you are ready to listen in click here.

  • You will be redirected to a page with a box that has a play button in the center, by clicking the play button it will automatically connect you to the live hearing

  • If “this stream is currently unavailable” pops up, it is likely you trying to watch the hearing while the court is out of session (or is not currently streaming).

  • This is a broadcast/live stream. This means the court can't hear or see you listening in.

Wiley W. Manuel Courthouse
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List of hearing days and times:

  • Mondays at 9:00 am and 1:30 pm PT

  • Wednesdays at 9:00 am and 1:30 pm PT

When you are ready to listen in click here.

  • You will be redirected to a page with a box that has a play button in the center, by clicking the play button it will automatically connect you to the live hearing

  • If “this stream is currently unavailable” pops up, it is likely you trying to watch the hearing while the court is out of session (or is not currently streaming).

  • This is a broadcast/live stream. This means the court can't hear or see you listening in.

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Attorney at JusticeDirect. Camila holds a law degree and is a certified mediator. Her passion is breaking down complicated legal processes so that people without an attorney can get justice.