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Did you know you can view and download filed documents for your Small Claims Court case in Alameda County online? Documents you, the other party, or the court files, will appear in the online case docket.
In this article, learn about:
Why it is important to frequently check your small claims court docket.
Examples of notices you may receive:
Steps on how to access your small claims case docket online
The online case docket consists of a list of "events" in the case. Each time you, the other party, or the court files a document, a new event is created. You are able to access the small claims court case docket for free.
If you need to download a document filed in the case, the court charges a fee. You can find a list of fees here.
Why is it important to frequently check your small claims court docket?
While you will still receive any important notices in the mail from the small claims court, checking your online docket can give you access to notices a lot quicker. Examples of notices you may receive:
Your court date may have changed.
The other party may have filed an important document in the case that requires your response.
The court may have uploaded important case information.
Review the steps on how to access your small claims case docket online:
If you do not know your case number, you should first conduct a name search to obtain your case number.
Step 1: Go to the Alameda County Small Claims Court Case Access website here.
Step 2: Select "Small Claims" under Case Type and enter your case number.
You can find your case number on any of the documents you have received in the case. The case number consists of 10 letters and numbers. The first two letters will be "RS" or "HS."
Step 3: You should now be able to see a few tabs. Click on the tab labeled "Register of Action" to see a summary of documents filed in your case.
You will be able to see how much it costs to download a particular document.

Camila Lopez, Esq.
Attorney at JusticeDirect. Camila holds a law degree and is a certified mediator. Her passion is breaking down complicated legal processes so that people without an attorney can get justice.