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Did you know you can view and download filed documents for your Santa Monica Small Claims Court case online? Documents you, the other party, or the court files, will appear in the online case docket. This is a great tool to learn about filed case documents before you receive them in the mail.
The online case docket consists of a list of "events" in the case. Each time you, the other party, or the court files a document, a new event is created. You are able to access the small claims court case docket for free. You are also able to download the first page of each document for free.
If you need to download a full document filed in the case, the court charges a fee. You can find a list of fees here.
In this article, learn about:
Why it is important to frequently check your small claims court docket.
Examples of notices you may receive:
Steps on how to access your small claims case docket online
Steps on how to download documents from your small claims court case docket
Why is it important to frequently check your small claims court docket?
While you will still receive any important notices in the mail from the Santa Monica small claims court, checking your online docket can give you access to notices a lot quicker.
Examples of notices you may receive:
Your court date may have changed.
The other party may have filed an important document in the case that requires your response.
The court may have uploaded important case information.
Review the steps on how to access your small claims court case docket online:
Step 1: Go to the Santa Monica County Small Claims Court Case Access website here
Step 2: Enter your case number.
You can find your case number on any of the documents you have received in the case.
The case number consists of 11 letters and numbers. The first two numbers are the first two numbers of the filing year. For example, if you filed the case in 2020, the first two numbers would be "20."
This case docket is more extensive than the one you will see in the next step.
Note, you won't be able to download the documents from the case docket (go to the next section to learn how to download).
To download documents from your small claims court case docket:
Remember, you will be able to view the first page in each filed document for free. If you want to download more than just the first page of a document you will be charged. You can find a list of fees here.
Step 1: Go to the Small Claims Court Case Document Images website here.
Step 2: Select "Continue as Guest" or create an account.
Step 3: Enter your case number.
You can find your case number on any of the documents you have received in the case. The case number consists of 11 letters and numbers. The first two numbers are the first two numbers of the filing year. For example, if you filed the case in 2020, the first two numbers would be "20."
You will see what looks like a similar version of your case docket, but more simplified (to see the more in-depth version of your case docket, see the section above).
Step 4: To view the first page of any document select "preview."
Remember, you get to preview the first page of any filed document for free.
If you need to download the full document, mark the box in the first column to select the document, and select "submit." You will then be required to go through the steps of submitting payment.

Camila Lopez, Esq.
Attorney at JusticeDirect. Camila holds a law degree and is a certified mediator. Her passion is breaking down complicated legal processes so that people without an attorney can get justice.