¡Vaya a Reclamos Menores preparado para ganar!
Los abogados que ganan van a la corte con una presentación para el juicio. ¡Tú también puedes! Lo ayudamos paso a paso para que cree su Presentación para el Juicio de JusticeDirect™ y aprenda cómo ganar en el Tribunal de Reclamos Menores de California.

Presentar un caso convincente en el Tribunal de Reclamos Menores con Presentación para el Juicio de JusticeDirect™
Be Ready
Get detailed court info and to-dos, so you know exactly what to do before, during, and after your small claims court hearing.
Be Organized
Include all your important facts and evidence so the Judge can easily understand your story during the hearing.
Be Convincing
Present your story clearly and succinctly with supporting evidence. Have everything you need to effectively respond to the judge’s questions.
Es tan fácil como
Understand how much you can sue for, what a Judge would look for, and identify relevant facts so you can build a complete case from the start.
With a guided process, get completed Small Claims Court forms with file and serve instructions.
Create a court statement, build your timeline, and upload important evidence to complete your case.
Receive your completed JD Trial Presentation™ along with how-to instructions for your day in court.
Print and bring to your Small Claims hearing so you can effectively present your case and convince the Judge.
Presentación del ensayo de JD™
¡Vea la Presentación para el Juicio de JusticeDirect™ completada antes de pagar!
EMPEZAR AHORAAyuda con la Educación Legal
Descargar la Carta de Oferta para Liquidar el Caso en formato PDF
Apoyo prioritario por correo electrónico
Apoyo Telefónico Programado
Presentación para el Juicio de JusticeDirect™
Información Sobre la Preparación para la Corte
Declaración Personalizada del Demandado
Cronología Detallada del Caso y Evidencia
Tabla Cálculo del Dinero Adeudado
Copias de Todos los Documentos Relevantes
3 copias: para usted, el demandante y el juez
Que Hacer Después de la Audiencia Judicial
Por qué somos el Servicio de Asistencia en Reclamos Menores #1

Thanks to this website and the amazing team behind it, I am able to solve most of legality issues for my business.
August 15, 2024

Justice Direct and People Clerk did an excellent job of helping me organize and file my small claims case. They went the full route finding that my defendant was actually a branch of a national LLC. I may have had trouble collecting if they had gone the extra mile in researching that. Their help in completing the paperwork and arranging for service of process saved me hours of effort. Outstanding organization!
Lowell R.
August 8, 2024

I felt supported from Start to finish. All of my questions were answered in a timely manner and explained in easily to understand verbiage. I now wait for my court date to arrive! Thank you for taking the stress off of my shoulders to get my small claims case filed correctly!
July 26, 2024

Abogados ganan con presentaciones. Tú también puedes.
Court hearings are typically only 15-30 minutes. To win in Small Claims Court, you must effectively and efficiently present your case within that time.
A strong trial presentation includes several key components to help you win in small claims court:
(1) An opening statement to summarize your case;
(2) A comprehensive timeline to support your case;
(3) All your key evidence;
(4) Supporting documentation to recover costs and show that you followed all the necessary court procedures.
Review Small Claims Court Filing if you haven’t filed your case yet.
Being well-prepared for your Small Claims hearing may increase your chances of winning. The JD Trial Presentation™ will help you organize your evidence, create a timeline, and write an opening statement.
With limited time, around 15-30 minutes, to present your case to the Judge, you will want to be effective and efficient with your answers. Both parties will be questioned during this time, so you will want to have references on hand to quickly answer those questions without any delays or hesitation.
The most important thing to bring is evidence that will help prove your story. The JD Trial Presentation™ will help you organize all your evidence chronologically with page number references so the Judge can easily find what is needed.
If you can’t attend your hearing and you don't notify the court, the court will close your case.
We can help you prepare and file a request with the court to reschedule your hearing.
The result after your hearing is commonly referred to as a judgment. It typically takes 3-7 business days after the hearing to receive the judgment in the mail, but it can take up to 90 days for more complicated cases.
In some cases, you may receive your judgment on the day of your hearing.